Patricia Ryan Madsonさんの『improv wisdom Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up』
今日は、「don’t prepare」の章で紹介されている二つ目の「try this」をご紹介します。
Try this:
Substitute Zen-like attention for planning. When you notice that your mind is planning what you will do or say, make a conscious shift of attention to the present moment. Notice everything that is going on now. Attend to what others are saying or doing as if you would need to report it in detail to the CIA. Listen with both ears. Substitute attention to what is happening for attention to what might happen.
Danielle sat in the weekly sales meeting daydreaming as her boss illustrated quarterly-earnings estimates with a slide show. Normally she used the presentation time to doodle on her legal pad, appearing to listen, but actually preparing her own remarks.
Today was different, however. “Suppose I really pay attention to the information being presented,” Danielle thought. She began to focus fully on the report, studying the graphs carefully. An interesting thing happened. She noticed a sales trend in her division and, piecing together this data, formulated a new idea about product development. When she did speak, the ideas were fresh and timely and grew out of what she had just observed.
試してみる価値があると思いませんか? 他の人が話している最中に、自分の発表をより良いものにしようとしても、その効果はたかが知れていますよね。ほんの少しまともになるくらい。いや、実際には何も変わらないかもしれません。それよりは、会議での他の人の発表や発言に意識を向けて、新しい気づきを得る機会を取りに行く。そう簡単にうまくいかないでしょうが、そのチャンスはある。そのチャンスを取りに行ったほうがいいと思いませんか?
さあ、次の会議で試してみませんか? これまでとは一味違う発表ができるかもしれませんよ。